
Updated on 2017-07-21: this project has moved to GitHub

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omniIFR2 is an implementation of the Interface Repository, for omniORB, a free CORBA ORB for C++ and Python. For full details, see Chapter 10 "The Interface Repository" in the CORBA specification v2.6:

omniIFR2 closely follows the specification, rather than just implementing the IDL. It checks the types that are loaded into it, and helps to detect problems and inconsistencies at an early stage.

omniIFR 2.pre.1

This is an alpha release. It's not yet properly tested. Don't rely on it, but do try it. If you find any bugs, or you have any comments then please let me know.


omniIFR2 was written by Alex Tingle.

omniIFR2 has virtually no code in common with version 1. Nevertheless I owe a great deal to the original authors. Version 2 evolved over several months, using the older code as scaffolding to support it while it took shape.

The original authors were David Reyes i Forniés and Àlex Bassas i Serramià of factoriaX. The version 1 code was rescued by Duncan Grisby, who created the Sourceforge project for it.